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The Complete Protected by the Damned Series Page 20
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Page 20
“Wow,” Derek said, shaking his head. “You are strange.”
“I know.” She sighed, then turned and walked down the hall. “I’m off for some me time, so leave me the fuck alone.”
She smiled warmly and opened her bedroom door, shutting it hard behind her and chuckling to herself. She walked farther inside and set the box down on the bed, taking a deep breath and looking around at how homey she had made her place.
She finally felt like she belonged there—not just in the room, but in the life she now had.
Please tell me that is my box, Pandora said. I feel like one of those chubby little kids opening presents on Christmas morning. Only I don’t celebrate Christmas for obvious reasons, and I hate children, and I hate joy, and I’m allergic to pine trees.
Well, you sure know how to suck the excitement right out of a situation, don’t you?
I am the Grinch, she said, only I don’t just strike at Christmas. I strike whenever and wherever it is needed.
Great. Katie sighed. Just don’t start stapling bones to animals. That’s just creepy.
Hey, if I did it, you did it, too, she said. Just remember that.
That’s terrible, Katie said. I would never.
Maybe not under your own control. She laughed maniacally. One day when you are out at the store, I’m just going to take over and make you breakdance in the bread aisle.
Please don’t, Katie begged, then, I need something to open this box with.
It’s about damn time this box got here, the demon said. I mean, it’s only super-late.
First of all, it wasn’t that long, Katie replied. You’re just very impatient.
It took f o r e v e r, Pandora whined.
You have to understand that this request was not only very unique and very exclusive, but it was also VERY expensive, Katie explained. This was probably the costliest payback or IOU I have ever fulfilled. I had to search out the people who could create these, negotiate a price, send all the information they needed, wait for them to make the things, and then they had to be shipped all the way from Italy. Not only that, but I was using a fake name and a business address, so it got caught up in customs. I almost had to tell Korbin what it was, but luckily I happened to find out we have a teammate who has connections with customs. It was a rollercoaster of cash and emotion to get you exactly what you wanted.
I don’t know why you’re complaining, the demon said. You get to enjoy them too. In fact, you get to enjoy them more, because you have the physical body. I am just a voice in your head and a tinge in your liver.
You’re right, Katie said. And I just want to take a minute and tell you how much it meant to me personally that you kept your side of the bargain. I know that was hard for you. It’s not in your nature, and I know you really don’t like me.
Oh lord, the mushy stuff, Pandora whined.
That’s right, she said. You’re the only one I can get mushy with, so just take it and smile, dammit. I will always and forever remember the scene in the park with Garrett and his family. It was seriously like the most epically emotionally moment I’ve ever had. I never thought I would be able to affect someone’s life like that, and I couldn’t have done it without you. While there is no way I’m ready to die today, if I did I would die happy, knowing that I made a difference in at least one person’s life. I know you have no love, or empathy, or excitement except for clothes and men, but you should be proud that you saved a man’s life. That you gave him the ability to be with his family, which is something we all want but may never have again. Making a difference is seriously one of the best feelings ever. And I think that no matter how spicy you are, somewhere deep down inside that dark nothingness you are proud of yourself. And if I’m completely wrong, I am still proud of you.
You’re getting more and more long-winded by the day, Pandora said. A simple thank you will suffice next time.
I will make a note, Katie replied.
She walked over to the table and grabbed one of her knives, wiping it off on her pants. She cut the tape on the box, and slowly opened it to find an overflow of pink and yellow tissue paper. She pushed through the paper and pulled out the twelve individually wrapped packages. Carefully she opened each one, and laid the items out across the bed. In front of her were a dozen hand-stitched, expensive, and sexy-as-hell lingerie bras.
If I could cry… Pandora began. Like if I had a body anymore and could shed tears, I would be weeping right now. Not just crying, weeping!
I’m feeling a little emotional, too, surprisingly, Katie replied.
See, Pandora said, jolting Katie. I told you that lingerie—well-made bras and sexy panties—can change your life. They make you feel all sorts of ways. And the construction, oh my God. They are double-stitched, and they used the best lace and satin, and the straps even have padding so you don’t get those unsightly notches in your skin. I don’t understand why every woman doesn’t have at least a dozen of these.
Maybe because they cost more than my first year in college, Katie said wryly.
Whatever. You made a ton of money after the commune even after giving half away to charity, which still boggles my mind, Pandora said. I have never understood why people give their money to the needy. Buy them some clothes, give them a bus ticket, and you did your good deed.
Bus ticket? Katie asked.
Yeah, Pandora said. Out of sight, out of mind.
You are seriously one of the evilest people I have ever met, Katie told her.
Good thing I’m not people. Pandora snickered.
I might actually have to agree with you on that, she replied.
Anyway, Pandora said, did you get the hangers for the bras like I told you to?
Yes, Katie groaned. Twelve satin-covered cushioned hangers. I will put them up right now.
Katie pulled out the specialty hangers and shook her head, smiling to herself. She had never bought anything like that before, but it felt good to treat herself for once.
She really had no idea where to wear them—or if any man would ever see them—but she was learning to love herself, not just everyone else. It had been a steep learning curve and it took constant reminders from the demon gallery, but she was actually doing pretty well at it.
The one thing that really got Katie was that people spent years teaching themselves how to not be selfish, while she was over here teaching herself to be selfish. It was backward, but who cared?
It was time to live a little.
When she was done putting all the bras on the hangers, she went to her closet and hung them up, perfectly spacing each one an equal distance apart. Pandora was rambling to herself in Katie’s head, her equivalent of pacing.
All right, Katie said. What do you think?
Oh, she cooed. It’s so beautiful, so perfect, so sexy.
I never had someone call my closet sexy before, Katie said without emotion.
With those bras you can’t help but be sexy, the demon told her. So, where is the first place we will wear one? Oh, I know! Ops—we can totally wear those on ops, right?
Katie laughed and rolled her eyes, pushing the closet door shut. She walked over to the bed and laid down on her side, staring at the desert through the window.
The sun was halfway up in the sky, and she could see the heat waves rolling across the sand.
Those dunes, those desert storms, and the way the sun warmed her room had become the little things in her life that she cherished.
When she had first gotten there she had never thought there was any way she could keep up, but she had, and she now found herself inside this weird—and often dysfunctional but extremely loyal—family unit. In the little bit of time she had been with them she had lost people and found people, but most importantly, she had found herself.
She rolled onto her back and looked up at the ceiling fan, smiling as she thought about Garrett and Armani: the way they had brought her into the picture and showed her friendship, then left her here in the care of people who would take a bullet
for her.
As she replayed different memories of her first few days at the base in her head, a click came over the loudspeaker. She sat up and listened.
“Incursion call,” Korbin’s voice spoke as the light started to flash. “Suit up and be in the training area in ten minutes.”
She smiled and jumped from the bed, grabbing one the new bras and changing her clothes.
Yessss, Pandora purred. I knew you would cave. Killing demons and slaying fashion every step of the damn way.
Killing Is My Business
Protected by the Damned, Book 2
Chapter Chapter 1
Korbin stood in the kitchen, grasping the warm mug tightly in his hands.
He was staring off, not thinking about anything in particular—just feeling more worn out than usual.
It had been a long several months, and a lot had happened. Between losing Armani and saying goodbye to Garrett, the house was a whole lot quieter than normal. Life had gone on, just like it had when he was in the military and lost a soldier. In his own head, though, he couldn’t ever get over losing someone, especially not on his watch.
He was down to four: Katie, Calvin, Damian, and Derek. That wasn’t enough to keep the three states he was in charge of safe and secure from the flesh-eating bastards hell-bent on turning Vegas into a fucking human buffet.
“Hey, boss,” Calvin said, walking in and interrupting his thoughts. “You about ready to get going?”
“Going?” Korbin’s eyes narrowed, still slightly foggy.
“Yeah.” Calvin chuckled. “We are meeting our new potential recruits today, remember?”
“Oh, sure, sure,” Korbin said. “Sorry, didn’t sleep well last night. I feel like I’m still waking up.”
“You sleep?” Calvin scratched his chin. “We think you don’t. I have fifty big ones down that you are pretending to sleep so we humans think better of ourselves.”
Korbin looked at Calvin. “Fifty large?”
“What?” Calvin was shocked for a moment. “Oh, hell no! Just fifty bucks. Hell, I don’t have Korbin-level money to be tossing around.” The two men shared a chuckle.
“Hey, boss and mini-boss,” Katie called, smiling as she pranced into the room and grabbed a donut. She took a bite and turned back to the men, covering her mouth. “Whatcha up to so early? I know you said there was no training today.”
“Some of us aren’t slackers,” Calvin teased, hip-checking her as he passed on his way for more coffee.
“Yeah, okay.” Katie laughed, rolling her eyes.
“No, we are going to go check out the new recruits so we can make the team stronger,” Calvin answered. “I know you are a beast, so it is probably shocking to find out that it’s not your show, but we have to do what is best.”
“Ha ha.” Katie shook her head. “I’m glad this place doesn’t revolve around me. It’s stressful enough as it is. Do we have some good options?”
“We just got the list,” Korbin answered, rinsing his mug. “They give it to us the same day as the interviews, so we are on the same playing field as any other team.”
“Gotcha,” Katie said, staring at the two of them. “Well, try to get another girl. This place is full of testosterone and dirty socks. I need someone I can gang up on Derek with. You know, keep it interesting.”
“I don’t know if we can handle another female,” Calvin replied. “Especially if she is as hotheaded as you are.”
“You’re probably right,” Katie said, flashing a huge smile. “All right.” She waved her fingers. “Have fun, you two.”
“Yeah.” Korbin patted her on the shoulder and walked out of the kitchen.
Katie looked at Calvin in confusion, wondering why Korbin was being so distant. He was acting like picking up new members was the worst thing in the world. Calvin just shrugged and followed Korbin out to the garage.
Calvin jumped in the driver’s seat of the first black SUV and buckled his seatbelt, then looked at Korbin with a stern face. Korbin rolled his eyes and buckled in too.
“You know, for someone who risks his life fighting demons, you sure are ‘Mr. Hall Monitor, Safety First,’” Korbin ground out.
“Yeah, but it would be just our luck to withstand an attack by demons and then die in a stupid car accident.” Calvin dropped the car into gear and pulled out of the garage. “Besides, drivers in Las Vegas don’t give two shits—they’ll smash right through you. Just lookin’ out for you, boss.”
“Appreciate it.” He chuckled. “So, there are five options in this file for us to pick from.”
“All right.” Calvin turned left. “Let’s hear ‘em.”
“Well, option one is Eric Bynes,” Korbin told him. “He was a field medic in the military.”
“That’s interesting.” Calvin took another left. “Especially after losing Garrett.”
“Only thing is, he isn’t infected,” Korbin explained. “So he would be in for life, either until he became infected or he died. Those who come in human can never leave.”
Calvin’s eyes narrowed. “Why in the hell would he want to walk into this, then?”
“That’s what I’m searching for.” Korbin was reading the information on his tablet, and a moment later he scratched the back of his head as he spoke. “It says here that he lost two of his teammates to an outbreak over in the sandpit. He witnessed the whole thing and did some considerable damage to the demons; got out alive. It adds he has no family or significant other, and he just wants the chance to take a crack at them.” Korbin looked up as Calvin entered the 15 freeway. “What he saw over there must have been pretty brutal, but they don’t give any real details of the attack.”
“If it was anything like the commune I can understand his feelings about it,” Calvin replied, “especially as a human seeing something like that for the first time. I imagine it would really fuck someone up or turn them into a revenge-driven machine.”
“It’s concerning, but I’m not here to judge him on his personal choices for the rest of his life,” Korbin said. “If this is what he wants, so be it.”
“Let’s just hope he isn’t a crackpot. We don’t want to have to put him down,” Corbin replied.
“Yeah.” Korbin sighed. “Something like that would hurt Katie, and the morale for the rest of the team.” Korbin chewed on the information for a couple minutes, and the cab of the vehicle was quiet. “It’s a hard decision, Cal. He is physically qualified and has the drive, but we have already lost so much. I’m not sure what another loss would do to us if he can’t swing it without an infection.”
“I really appreciate how much you care for our mental status,” Calvin said. “Let me just say though, your first and foremost responsibility is the war against the demons. You have to know that if this guy can help us get there,” Calvin looked at Korbin, “you can’t pass him up.”
“Yeah…I know.” Korbin looked out the window. “You guys are my team, though. I’m responsible for your lives, so when I lose one—like Armani—it really hits hard. I’ve lost a lot of men in war, and now that I’m in a war with no end in sight, I fear going through that over and over again. It’s something that never gets easier.”
“I get it, boss”
“Anyway, there are several other candidates,” Korbin said, changing the subject. “The second is Jeremy Crofts. He is Damned, and was part of the FBI. His record shows that he was pretty much the perfect agent; awards and accolades through the roof. His team ended up in the thick of a swarm of new demons, apparently. They walked in right after the coven had summoned. Several of them were Damned, but he was the only one of his team to walk out alive. There is a note here that the facts of the case are foggy, though, and he doesn’t like to talk about it. I guess we won’t know for sure until we gain his trust.”
“So he wants revenge?” Calvin guessed.
“I’m not sure,” Korbin said. “From his responses, it looks like he just wants to be part of something that is combating this threat. His notes are intelligent;
very short and to the point. From what it says in his file, he didn’t have much problem making the transition into this life. He is professional, strong, and follows the rules to a fault, and even with a demon in him he doesn’t waver from what is right and wrong.”
“He’s in trouble coming to our team, then.” Calvin laughed. “We kind of go by our own rules as long as it gets the job done. Luckily we stay relatively safe and in one piece and who knows—might be a little fun if he was offset against Katie.”
Korbin snorted. “True, but following the rules isn’t a bad thing, he might be good for us.” He chuckled and touched his tablet. “All right, candidate number three is Alissa Bonds. She is Damned, relatively new, trained with the East Coast teams but looking for a home. She was a schoolteacher—found herself on a really bad date, and ended up infected. Apparently she is strong, fast, and can wield a mean sword. She was a fencing coach in her human life, but the notes say she has a bit of a hard time controlling her demon when she gets angry.”
“That sounds terrifying.” Calvin laughed. “But a little demon-fueled anger never hurt anyone.” Calvin sped up to pass a family in a little red Prius. The wife seemed intent on singing with the two little kids in the back seat while Dad suffered in the driving position. Calvin didn’t notice any headphones, so he was taking one for the team.
“I don’t think that is necessarily true.” Korbin chuckled. “It says here she needs a strong hand, and that she caused at least four teammate trips to the medic during an incredibly trying mission into one of the largest DC covens. I’m going to steer clear of her.”
“We already have our female, anyway.” Calvin pulled back into the normal lane. “And she is pretty much the essence of our team at this point. I can’t imagine her with another woman, especially one with anger issues.”
“Also true,” Korbin agreed. “Moving on. Candidate Number Four is Bruno Ronshaft. He is a martial arts specialist, worked for the CIA overseas for about a decade, and speaks six languages.”